Tuesday 7 September 2010

Four albums which tell stories

This post is intended to serve as a kick up the arse to me and an introduction to four forthcoming posts. Actually, they might be collections of posts - it'll all depend how well I can edit myself.

In any case, each post (or collection thereof) will focus on an album which has a story behind it. Not as in a 'making of' story or something specifically connected to the creators of the album. Rather, the stories will feature the album in question and illustrate how it has affected the world around it.

There are half-written versions of all of them either on paper or floating around in my headmeat, and I hereby commit to making something of all of them very soon. The key thing to bear in mind is that each will focus on a single album which came out in 2010 and which is truly special, and each will form the jumping off point for me to tell you stories of what has happened to me this year and in years previous. So without further ado, the albums to be featured will be (alphabetically by artist):

Darkthrone 'Circle the Wagons'
Dethonator 'Dethonator'
Legendary Shack Shakers 'agri-dustrial'
Ramesses 'Take the Curse'

More soon!

Friday 2 July 2010

Mission Statement

This blog will feature stuff that we experienced in our lives. Nothing grand, just a slightly cryptic journal. Music listened to, people chatted to, films seen, issues that conern, books read, ideas that inspire or depress, gigs seen, heard or heard about - plenty more and plenty of pictures. If you're not interested in music, pineapples, bikes, scuba diving, politics, comics, inversions of grandeur or gardening, maybe you like hiking.

In summation, enjoy or don't, but bear in mind that if we ignore you it's only coz [no more spellings like that will appear outside of quotations, DR Jonas promises] there are only so many hours in the DDT [that said day but you know iPhones]. Anyway, it'll be nothing personal.